Stand Development
HC-110 black and white stand development
- HC-110 film developer
- Distilled water
- Ilford stop bath or your favorite stop bath
- Ilford rapid fixer or your favorite fixer
1. Mix chemistry
Dilute HC-110 1:200 (5ml of HC-110 + 995ml of distilled water). The stand development process requires a weak developer concentration.
Dilute stop bath 1+19 (50ml of stop bath + 950ml of distilled water)
Dilute fixer 1+9 (100ml of fixer + 900ml of distilled water)
2. Develop
Total time: 45 minutes
Invert slowly for the first 30 seconds and tap tank to dislodge any air bubbles
Invert 3 times after 20 minutes
Dump developer after 25 minutes. Weak developer is for a one time use.
3. Stop bath
Total time: ? minutes
4. Fix
Total time: ? minutes